“Hills and Valley Scenic Tour on Sunday 19 May 2024 – a friendly event which is extremely good value for money.
Participants will enjoy a leisurely drive in picturesque countryside which gives both driver and passenger longer to enjoy the glorious views provided by the Powys, Gwynedd and Ceredigion scenery. Morning coffee and afternoon tea rest halts will be included together with a lunch halt where participants will have time to enjoy a picnic lunch.
As last year, the start/finish will be at Welshpool Livestock Sales. This will provide the opportunity to explore new areas of stunning Welsh scenery not previously visited by the Tour.
The day will start with a bacon/sausage bap or pastry with tea or coffee, at signing on. A vehicle tour plate and a good quality road book will be provided giving information about the route, the area and its history. At the end of the tour participants will receive a commemorative souvenir and enjoy a hot buffet style meal including a dessert, with time to chat about the day with other participants.
We hope that, once again, the weather will be kind enough to give us a first class event and provide a lovely, sociable day out for everyone.
Online entries and supplementary regulations are available through the Club’s website at
www.kidderminstercarclub.co.uk or by emailing kiddicarclub@blueyonder.co.uk.”